Species Profile: Freshwater Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus)
The Freshwater Congo Tetra, scientifically known as Phenacogrammus interruptus, is a stunning and popular species of fish found in the freshwater rivers of the Congo Basin in Central Africa. Known for their vibrant colors, peaceful nature, and graceful swimming, they are a sought-after choice for aquarium enthusiasts.
Congo Tetra Physical Characteristics:
Congo Tetras have a slender body shape with a slightly convex profile. Males are larger, reaching a length of about 3.5 inches (9 cm), while females are slightly smaller at around 2.5 inches (6 cm). The males display vibrant colors, including iridescent blue, yellow, and orange, which intensify during courtship or when they feel threatened. Females have a more subdued coloration, primarily displaying shades of silver and light yellow.
Congo Tetra Habitat and Distribution:
Freshwater Congo Tetras are native to the rivers and tributaries of the Congo Basin in Central Africa. This region encompasses several countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Cameroon, and the Republic of Congo. They inhabit slow-moving rivers, flooded forest areas, and other freshwater habitats with dense vegetation and ample hiding places. The water in their natural habitat is typically acidic, soft, and rich in tannins due to decaying plant matter.
Congo Tetras Behaviour in Your Aquarium:
Congo Tetras have a peaceful temperament, making them excellent choices for community aquariums. They thrive in schools, so it’s recommended to keep them in groups of at least six individuals. They are active swimmers and appreciate spacious tanks with plenty of open swimming areas. Providing hiding places such as rocks, caves, or live plants is essential to replicate their natural habitat. Congo Tetras are generally peaceful towards other fish species, but avoid keeping them with aggressive or fin-nipping species like chiclids.
Best Fish to Keep with Congo Tetras in Your Aquarium:
Congo Tetras are compatible with various peaceful species that share similar water parameter requirements. Some suitable tankmates include other peaceful community fish like tetras, rasboras, peaceful dwarf cichlids, gouramis, and non-aggressive barbs. Avoid housing them with fin-nipping or overly aggressive fish species.
Diet and Feeding Requirements for Congo Tetras:
In the wild, Congo Tetras are omnivorous, feeding on small insects, insect larvae, plant matter, and algae. In captivity, they readily accept a varied diet. Offer them high-quality flake or pellet food as a staple diet. Supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, or tubifex worms to provide additional nutrition and enhance their coloration. Offering a diverse diet ensures they receive the necessary nutrients for optimal health and color vibrancy.
Breeding Congo Tetras in Your Aquarium:
Breeding Congo Tetras can be a rewarding experience. To initiate breeding, provide a separate breeding tank with soft, acidic water. The tank should have fine-leaved plants like Java moss or spawning mops where the fish can deposit their eggs. Separate a pair of males and females and condition them with a varied diet. Females scatter their eggs among the plants while the males fertilize them. After spawning, it’s recommended to remove the adults as they may consume the eggs. The eggs usually hatch within 24-48 hours, and the fry can be fed infusoria or commercially available liquid fry food until they are large enough to consume small brine shrimp or crushed flakes.
Temperature and Water Parameters for Congo Tetras in Your Aquarium:
Congo Tetras prefer slightly acidic water with a pH range of 6.0-7.5. The water temperature should be maintained between 75-82°F (24-28°C). They thrive in soft to moderately hard water, with a general hardness (GH) range of 5-15 dGH. Good filtration and regular water changes are important to maintain water quality and stability.
Rocks or Driftwood for Congo Tetras in Your Aquarium:
Congo Tetras appreciate having both rocks and driftwood in their aquarium. Rocks can provide hiding places and create natural-looking structures, while driftwood releases tannins that mimic their natural habitat and create slightly acidic conditions. Live plants, especially those with fine leaves, also offer hiding places and contribute to water quality.
I hope this article provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the species profile of the Freshwater Congo Tetra fish and answers your questions accurately.
Here are 10 different types of tetra fish that you could consider for your aquarium.
Neon Tetra – a popular species with a striking blue and red coloration.
Cardinal Tetra – similar to the Neon Tetra, but with a longer red stripe and a deeper blue color.
Black Neon Tetra – a dark-colored species with a neon blue stripe that glows in the dark.
Ember Tetra – a small, bright red species that is easy to care for and perfect for small aquariums.
Glowlight Tetra – a stunning species with an orange stripe that glows under aquarium lighting.
Lemon Tetra – a bright yellow species that adds a pop of color to any tank.
Green Neon Tetra – a unique species with a green stripe that fluoresces under blue lighting.
Serpae Tetra – a peaceful species with a deep red coloration and black fin tips.
Bleeding Heart Tetra – a colorful species with a bright red spot on its body that resembles a bleeding heart.
Congo Tetra – a larger species with shimmering blue and red scales that can add a beautiful centerpiece to a large aquarium.
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